

Revitalizing Recovery with the Innovative Rehab Facilities of Asha Jyothi

Our Facilities

Our center provides the necessary facilities and resources

At our Asha Jyothi rehabilitation center, we offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to the diverse needs of individuals seeking mental health care. Our services include inpatient (IP) care, ensuring round-the-clock support and treatment within a safe and nurturing environment. Additionally, we provide 24/7 emergency care and a high-dependency unit (HDU) for critical cases that require immediate attention.

Our psychological services are designed to address various mental health concerns, offering therapy, counseling, and assessments by qualified professionals. We also provide both in-person and online consultations, ensuring accessibility and flexibility in receiving care. For advanced treatment options, we offer biofeedback and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as effective interventions. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCs) are available for individuals who may benefit from these non-invasive techniques.

To support accurate diagnosis and monitoring, we offer services such as EEG and X-ray examinations. Our full-fledged pharmacy ensures convenient access to necessary medications, enhancing the continuity of care for our patients. Additionally, we have tenet lab facilities that enable us to conduct essential diagnostic tests and assessments. Through these diverse services, Asha Jyothi rehabilitation center strives to provide comprehensive and personalized care, fostering holistic well-being and empowering individuals on their path to recovery.

In addition to the aforementioned services, our rehabilitation center thoughtfully designed some extensive facilites to create a conducive and supportive environment for individuals seeking rehabilitation. Our facility spans 1.5 acres with a built-up area of approximately 30,000 square feet, offering ample space and amenities.We emphasize a supportive and respectful environment for everyone, so, we have built separate blocks for men and women in transitional living apartments as it is beneficial for both. Our focus extends beyond facilities alone, as we value the quality of our staff, program structure, and the availability of ongoing support and resources to maximize the recovery experience.

Rehab Redefined

Elevating Recovery with Asha Jyothi's Exceptional Facilities

Well-Equipped Therapy Rooms

Equipped with state-of-the-art resources for various types of therapy, promoting physical, occupational, and speech rehabilitation as well as counseling.

Fitness and Rehabilitation Gym

Dedicated gym space with a variety of exercise equipment for physical conditioning and rehabilitation.

Outdoor Recreation Areas

Access to outdoor spaces with sports courts, walking paths, gardens, and nature trails for physical activity and relaxation.

Relaxation and Meditation Rooms

Serene spaces for relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness practices to support mental and emotional well-being.

Spacious Common Areas

Comfortable and inviting spaces for socialization, group activities, and building a sense of community.

Nutritious Dining Facilities

Well-equipped dining area providing balanced and customized meals for individual dietary needs.

Wellness and Spa Services

Additional services like massage therapy, spa treatments, and alternative therapies to complement rehabilitation.

Family and Visitor Facilities

Well-equipped dining area providing balanced and customized meals for individual dietary needs.

Transitional Living Apartments

Structured living environment with ongoing support for individuals transitioning from rehabilitation to independent living.

Peer Support

Opportunities for bonding and support among peers with similar experiences, fostering a supportive community.

Well-Equipped Therapy Rooms

Therapy rooms equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and resources for various types of therapy, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and counseling.

Fitness and Rehabilitation Gym

A dedicated gym space with a range of exercise equipment, including cardiovascular machines, resistance training equipment, and functional training tools to facilitate physical rehabilitation and conditioning.

Outdoor Recreation Areas

Access to outdoor spaces with recreational facilities like sports courts like throw ball, volleyball, tennis court, shuttle-badminton, basketball, cricket etc.We even have walking paths, gardens,nature trails to promote physical activity, relaxation, and engagement with nature.

Relaxation and Meditation Rooms

Serene spaces designed for relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness practices to support mental and emotional well-being during the rehabilitation process.

Spacious Common Areas

Comfortable and inviting common areas where individuals can socialize, connect with peers, participate in group activities, and build a sense of community.

Nutritious Dining Facilities

A well-equipped dining area with professional chefs and nutritionists who provide balanced and nutritious meals tailored to meet the dietary needs of individuals in rehabilitation.

Wellness and Spa Services

Additional wellness services, such as massage therapy, spa treatments, acupuncture, or alternative therapies, that can complement the rehabilitation process and promote relaxation and overall well-being.

Family and Visitor Facilities

Dedicated spaces or accommodations for family members and visitors to stay or interact with their loved ones in the rehabilitation center, fostering a supportive environment for recovery.

Transitional Living Apartments

We provide transition apartments that offer a unique, structured and supportive living environment for individuals who have completed their primary rehabilitation program but still require a structured and supervised setting before fully reintegrating into independent living.
Individuals receive ongoing support and monitoring from the rehabilitation center staff. This may include regular check-ins, assistance with medication management, counseling sessions, and support with any challenges that arise during the transition period. We have built separate blocks for men and women to ensure privacy, safety and tailored support for each gender.

Peer Support

Living with individuals of the same gender can facilitate bonding, empathy, and support among peers. It creates a supportive community where individuals can relate to and learn from others who share similar experiences, increasing the chances of sustained recovery.

Our Support

Being supportive, respectful, and conducive to recovery for all

It's important to note that while having separate blocks for men and women in transitional living apartments can be beneficial. We take pride in providing the overall environment by being supportive, respectful, and conducive to recovery for all individuals. The quality of staff, the structure of the program, and the availability of ongoing support and resources are also considered by our experts.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us

Step -1: Contacting the Rehab Center: Reach out to the Asha Jyothi rehab center through our website, or feel free to call us on: +91-40-23542831 +91-40-23542835 +91-40-23542838 +91-9121106683 +91-9666655558

Step - 2: Assessment: Complete the required forms or assessments to provide necessary information about your condition and treatment history.

Step - 3 : Initial Meeting: Attend the scheduled consultation with a healthcare professional at our rehab center. This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss your concerns, experiences, and challenges in a confidential setting.

Step - 4 : Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment, the healthcare professional will recommend suitable treatment options tailored to your needs, helping you develop a personalized plan for recovery.

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